Pheromones are chemical substances that our body produces naturally and that are deposited on our skin through sweat. Each person leaves a chemical trail due to these pheromones that stimulate the olfactory receptors of others, although they are not consciously perceived since they have no smell or are very mild, which is why they are also called "sixth sense" hormones.
They act as chemical messengers that transmit information about the person, such as temperament, sexual desire, etc. This information travels to the hypothalamus, where it triggers an instinctive response of attraction or aversion. Scientific studies have shown that this response is predictable and repetitive, and represents a true chemical attraction.
Pheromones are not magic potions that, when used, make us all-powerful masters of other people's wills, but they can enhance our chemical trail and make us more "attractive."
Our pheromones are produced by synthesis in reputable laboratories in the UK and USA and are not extracted or tested on animals. Their purity in crystalline form is around 98%, the highest on the market.
This crystalline substance is diluted in a harmless carrier (natural triglyceride) to adjust its concentration to that of our sweat. Our product is based on synergistic combinations of different pheromones and takes into account the gender of the wearer and the recipient.
Some of the substances we work with are
- androstanone
- alpha-androstenol
- beta-androstenol
- Androstadienol, etc.
Pheromones for the attraction of women to men
International Dreamlove S.A.®
Logistikpark Carmona
Abastosstraße, 13
41410 Carmona (Sevilla)