"Bedroom Bunny" consists of a bra top with cage straps made of eyelash lace, a cheeky backless panty with a fluffy tail and an ear headband, made by the renowned lingerie brand Leg Avenue. Enhance your femininity and get an exclusive piece of seduction, sensuality and elegance.
- 4-piece set
- Includes a bra top with eyelash lace cage straps, cheeky backless panties with fluffy tail and an ear headband
- Color: Black
- Size: OS
Leg Avenue has created a limitless universe of innovative costumes as well as exquisite lingerie and stockings. With beautiful designs, high-quality materials and great attention to detail. Our sexy lingerie is a tribute to everything that is feminine and flirtatious.
International Dreamlove S.A.®
Logistikpark Carmona
Abastosstraße, 13
41410 Carmona (Sevilla)