Fantasy Affairs focuses on various affair scenarios. Perhaps it's the housewife yearning to seduce her handyman or the worked-up strip club patron who wants a private performance. Whatever your secret fantasies are or may become, Fantasy Affairs offers you a safe, creative and sexually satisfying way to embrace them with your lover.
The most unique element of this game is the exploration of creative kissing. Have you ever swept your eyelashes across your lover's cheek before a kiss to offer a butterfly kiss? Or have you taped your mouth shut and begged to be released to give your lover a hostage kiss? Now you have the chance to learn 36 new ways to kiss your lover while simultaneously engaging in intimate foreplay and adventurous fantasy scenarios.
Game includes:
- 1 17 in. game board,
- 36 fantasy affair cards,
- 36 creative kiss cards,
- 104 heart cards,
- 10 heart tokens,
- 2 game markers,
- 1 dice and rules in English and Spanish.
International Dreamlove S.A.®
Logistikpark Carmona
Abastosstraße, 13
41410 Carmona (Sevilla)