High-quality massage oil with food-safe flavors that seduce sweets and pamper the taste buds - and it's completely calorie-free!
The exquisite food ingredients provide pleasant warmth on the skin. A slight pause for breath increases the stimulating warming effect of the liquid and ensures wonderful relaxation and a desire for more. WARMup is wellness for the senses.
Wellness for your senses! For the ultimate pleasure, apply WARMup locally to individual parts of your body and enjoy the soothing warmth.
- For external use only.
- sugar-free
- Water-soluble
- Sensual fragrance and taste experiences with nature-identical aromas
- Dermatologically + clinically tested
- Compatible with latex condoms
- food quality
- Heat
International Dreamlove S.A.®
Logistikpark Carmona
Abastosstraße, 13
41410 Carmona (Sevilla)