Super stimulating, local and intimate gel to increase female orgasm, exclusive and very useful for today's woman.
- It has a vasoactive and stimulating effect on the erogenous zones as well as on the touch receptors and sensitizers and activates the female orgasm.
- It has exciting properties and aphrodisiac effects.
- Awakens sexual desire and promotes the quality and intensity of the female orgasm.
- The effect is long-lasting and pleasant, so that sexual intercourse is completely satisfactory.
Highly recommended in situations where you want to achieve a real climax and a pleasant sexual relationship with your partner, or in masturbation, especially in cases of frigidity, sexual apathy, in cases of uncomfortable and unpleasant penetrations and in any situation where you want to improve and increase the sexual pleasure of women, as well as for massages and manipulations of erogenous zones.
A stimulant with optimal response for sexual pleasure.
- Instructions for use: Spread a sufficient amount of gel on the intimate vulvar area. If necessary, you can enhance the effect even more by applying it to erogenous zones such as the chest, abdomen, etc. Wait a few minutes and take advantage of this time, start caressing and playing, now you are in a state of penetration and an imminent and intense climax.
- 100 cc container
International Dreamlove S.A.®
Logistikpark Carmona
Abastosstraße, 13
41410 Carmona (Sevilla)