Cloneboy Harness Dildo | Fun for everyone
Following the success of the first series, the Cloneboy team developed a completely new Cloneboy series. The simplicity of the kit allows you to create your own clone in a few easy steps, achieving perfect results every time. Unlike other cloning kits, Cloneboy always offers a second chance to make a second mold if the first one fails. It is a loop cock ring that ensures you maintain an erection during the molding process. It is much easier to use as the mold hardens for 3 minutes longer and has an additional stimulation sleeve that can be used when shaping your own penis. The kit is suitable for penises of all sizes. Even fold them.
The Cloneboy Harness includes all the necessary elements to make a personalized dildo with your penis. The Cloneboy Harness has three exciting applications to enrich your sexual experiences. These applications are; A handle (with threaded end) that attaches to your dildo, a suction cup to place your dildo on any possible object and a comfortable strap in which your dildo is placed to enrich your sexual experiences.
The Cloneboy does not contain any skin-irritating plaster and uses a medically tested molding material made from natural algae.
International Dreamlove S.A.®
Logistikpark Carmona
Abastosstraße, 13
41410 Carmona (Sevilla)