High sensitivity. The body is a map full of sensitive areas that are stimulated by a light touch. There are infallible points where touch triggers a flood of sensations... And others where it causes pure delirium. Discovering them with the softness of this feather duster is a real adventure.
Did you know...
...the skin is the largest organ in the body and is connected to the sense of touch?
... touch is the most basic of all senses and only proximity and contact are needed to be stimulated?
...the skin is full of sensors ready to activate and turn on the body, and it's as simple as a caress?
... in the area of the waist and ribs, in the armpits, on the thighs or on the soles of the feet - areas where caresses are very pleasurable?
...is it also possible to reach climax through the right caresses of erogenous zones such as the neck, navel, sides, back or thighs?
Tip: A complete cuddle session starts with a relaxing bath and is intensified by ties or hiding the eyes behind a mask.
International Dreamlove S.A.®
Logistikpark Carmona
Abastosstraße, 13
41410 Carmona (Sevilla)