Foliactive Spray is a cosmetic lotion without parabens that prevents hair loss and stimulates growth naturally. Its unique and revolutionary formula with BIO-CAPIGEN VEG, a compound based on plant extracts, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, helps to:
Promote hair growth and cell regeneration *
Prevent hair loss
Nourish the scalp by increasing blood flow
- Stimulates keratin synthesis by 26%
- Reduce dandruff and flakes
- Reduce the appearance of fat.
- Indication: Prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth.
- Other uses: Prevention of capillary detachment, appearance of grease and stimulation of keratin.
- Properties: Stimulant, antiseptic and capillary vasodilator.
- Method of use: Apply 1 or 2 times daily depending on the treatment.
- Format: Lotion - 100 ml
- New: Revolutionary formula BIO-CAPIGEN VEG, twice as effective as any other product.
Proven effectiveness!
International Dreamlove S.A.®
Logistikpark Carmona
Abastosstraße, 13
41410 Carmona (Sevilla)